Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Cast and Characters

In order to help everyone keep track of the people I talk about often I figured I'd put it all down for you:

The Unhappy Waitress or TUW: That would be yours truly. Twenty-something woman with big dreams and not so big cash flow, telling the trials and tribulations of one local chain restaurant through her eyes.

Hot Manager or HM: Thirty-something hot to trot manager who thinks he's the best thing since slice bread. Recently transferred to another store. HM and TUW have been sleeping together for 7 months. Strangely, noone has found out.

Old Faithful: Otherwise known as The Lifer, has worked in the same place for 10 years. Thinks she knows everything. Has a BIG mouth and a not so good reputation. Slept with HM.

Young Dumb and Cute (YDC): Host. And she is young, dumb and cute. My fave host though. Book smart, yes. Logic, not so much.

Big GM: He gets this name because thats what he acts like. The way he acts you would expect him to say things like "Big GM big boss. You listen. He yell". (All while beating his chest.) He's the General Manager at our store. And he has a bad temper and thinks he's ALWAYS right. For some reason he likes TUW.

New Girl: This can be one or many people. Until you earn a name, you are just "New Girl".

Little Guy: 5 foot 3 dishwasher who wants to come home with TUW.

This will get updated as the stories go on....


Jennifer Louise said...

sounds interesting!

Kallay said...

girl from one unhappy waitress to another.... sing it. my goodness, is this every restaurant i have ever worked in.