Monday, December 1, 2008


So, I'm quittin' my day job. I hate it. It hates me. So, eight days and counting 'til I'm out. Woo Hoo. It's relief. Extreme weight off my shoulders. I never thought I would feel this could about something that comes along with extreme financial unstability. (Personal rant for the day.)

But, enough about that. Now what? I'm thinking a little more upscale waitressing job during the day and still staying at my restaurant. Or maybe another office job. Or maybe school? I don't know.

I'm thinking another restaurant is my best bet. And then kiddies, I will have double the fun blogs for you to read while eating lunch! Or whenever it is that you read blogs. A nicer place. With real napkins and silverware without water spots. And capable staff. And reasonable management. (Ok, probably not that last one but hey, a girl can dream!)

Thats all I got right now. Just some thoughts to ponder.

1 comment:

jb said...

TUW (aka The Unhappy Waitress):

I am here to let you know that you have been tagged in my most recent post. I look forward to finding out 8 things about you.
