Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome Internets!

"Hi Folks! How are you today? My name is Unhappy Waitress and i'll be taking care of you today! Can I start you off with something to drink while you take a look at the menu?"

Thats how it always starts. The next part can be one of many answers! Here are some of the responses I get: (we'll start off nice)

"I'm good, how are you? I'll have diet no lemon and we're ready to order."
"Sure, I'll have water"
"Can we have a few minutes?"
"Is refills free?"
and my personal favorite
"Is water free?"

I'm a waitress! An unhappy one. I enjoy serving actually. And I've seen the movie Waiting and have NEVER seen stuff like that done in my restaurant career. I however do not enjoy ignorant guests who think they're the purpose for my existenence; or snippy co-workers who can't keep their business (or anyone else's for that matter) to themselves; or management who doesn't care about their staff. The things I am going to divulge to you unsuspecting restaurant-goers are probably not going to shock and amaze you but i'm sure that you will be entertained.

I work in a chain restaurant. We have good food and a good price and our service is mediocre. We have no genre. A little of everything. Most of our food is considered "healthy" compared to most chain restaurants and thats gross 'cause it's all soooo bad for you. But besides the normal "healthy" serving of your favorite dish, i'm ready to serve you your "healthy" dish about your not so normal server....

****this blog is BASED on true events and happenings. Names have been changed. Along with dates and other incriminating info!!!

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