Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ok. I Wasn't Gonna BUT I Have To...

Ladies and Gentlemen. We're going to zone in on the biggest factor in a servers career. TIPPING. I know, what with my refreshing wit and raw talent, many of you may not know this but I am new to blogging. I do have another blog out there in the world of www. but its new too. Soooo, as I love to do, i've been doing some research. Looking at other blogs for tips on how to be a better blogger. (Kudos to all you bloggers out there. I'm not sure i'll ever be at your level.)

Anyways, within this "research" (also known as: something to do at lunch and other times during my professional work day when I should be working.) I have stumbled upon lotsa interesting stuff. The most interesting to me was the other server blogs. Alot of what I found were from a few years ago but they were good!! I wish the bloggers would have kept up with their work. But one common thing in every one...What's that you ask??? Proper Tipping Procedure of PTP as I like to call it. Sooo here are my thoughts. Please if you have any comments or additions feel free to add.....

  • I work for a mere $2.83 an hour. I understand that some of you may not know that. So I wanted to put it out there in the open!!

  • I am truly sorry if the moment you sit down I cannot get to you. For what you don't not realize is, I am also taking care of the six other tables around you and the lady at table 25 is allergic to tomatoes and I am making sure no tomato product touches her food. I am also waiting for drinks for table 34, while the bartender is taking her sweet old time making them. There is a re-cook on an overdone steak and the guest is not happy (where is hot manager you ask? Well he, he is nowhere to be found) and now I look over sheepishly at my section and I see you sitting and I know you are ready to order and I feel bad. Bad that you had to sit there and mad because the incompetent hostess could have told me she sat me.

  • Appropriate tip percentage for good service is 20%. 15% is acceptable. Anything less is a bad tip. Anything more is greatly appreciated!!!! If my tables leave me less than 20% I think I have not served them well.

  • If you leave a good tip, your server should come back to the table and thank you. You may have made their night. You may have just given them a ten dollar tip on $4.00 Monday and that is AWESOME!!!

  • If you tip bad, you will forget the moment you leave the restaurant. I will NEVER forget you. NEVER!!! (For those of you who cannot see me, I DO NOT have my service smile on right now!!!)

  • If you have coupons, or gift cards, or the manager buys you dessert. Or maybe you just didn't like your burger, or the kitchen messed up your steak and you don't want a new one. You are not going to pay for that. Please remember it probably wasn't my fault. Please don't punish me because of it. Be aware of what your check would have looked like compared to what it is. I show compassion. I am sorry your dining experience wasn't as smooth as you would have liked it. I still have to feed my dog. (Ok, I don't have a dog. But if I did would you want him to go hungry? Huh? Would you?) So not tipping well because the kitchen undercooked your medium steak= not fair. Not tipping becuase the server brought you salmon instead of steak=fair. Sometimes we mess up (Sorry that we're human). I for one am very apologetic. Please take this into consideration!
  • Sitters. Those group of ladies that only get together every once in awhile. And they take F-O-R-E-V-E-R! We don't mind if you tip properly. Take into consideration for every 35-45 minutes you sit, we could have had another table eat, pay, TIP, and leave.
  • Please DO NOT tell me my service was wonderful and leave me $3.72 on forty dollar check. Thats like laughing in my face.
  • It is my job to be inconvenienced by you. It will happen whether you mean to or not. You will need something when I am busy. Your child will spill something or scream the whole time or maybe draw on the tables. I know this. I am ok with it. But please know that when you leave, the magic table fairy does not come by and fix it all. I have to sweep the tiny cut up pieces of pasta off the floor/table/booth/chair/ceiling, and re-organize the sugar caddy.
  • Lastly, for today (there will most likely be many addendums to this list) $5.00 is NOT a good tip.

1 comment:

jb said...

Holy crap it's about time someone else does this. Please read my blog i own a restaurant and i have been writing about it a bit.

I also go on about my ex,life and whatever but the resto business has been my business for longer then i care to remember.

I used to serve before i went into the kitchen and trust me when customers found out i was the owner i barely got tipped like as if i didn't need the money to live. Tipping is so important but people forget this factor as soon as they're asses hit the chair.

Good blog and great writing thanks for this.
