Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tales of The Turkey and Black Friday!

Turkey Day!

And the Unhappy Waitress does not have to work 'cause we're closed! This means she can enjoy spending time with her family and friends. And then get really really drunk because she spent too much time with her family! And, that is just what was done. After a yummy dinner and a turkey induced nap, I headed out and had an aweeeeesome night. And after dropping off a friend, I was headed home and who walks in front of my car but Hot Manager. I didn't stop though. And I wanted to. I didn't call or text either. And I wanted to. This is harder than I thought it would be....(I've decided the Hot Manager thing is not what I want. And since he's so inconsistent I'm guessing it's not what he wants either. It sure is addicting though.)

BLACK FRIDAY!! It's like doomsday for those in retail. Crazy, deranged, turkey filled, raging customers spill out into the streets at 3:00 am to wait in lines to get one of 15 computers/DVD players/cameras/Bratz Dollz/latest Hannah Montana craze... Then when the stores open they attack. Screaming, yelling, pushing, pulling and a minor explosion later - they're hungry. And they are cranky and tired and the day has really affected their attitudes and pockets. That's where I come in. What better way to feel better than to take it out on some poor, unsuspecting, innocent (Am I painting a good picture here?) waitress? We weren't busy at all. But my guests just weren't nice. (Oh, and apparently, no matter what your check is on lunch, the appropriate tip is $5.00. Cause, you know, it's just lunch...)

THE AFTERMATH- The day after. I did some shopping actually and the sales we're still there minus the madness. And last night I had the most awesome guests. Two guys. Large Coors' Light and a diet. Appetizers and a pizza. The biggest dessert we have. A $60.00 dollar check and a $20.00 dollar tip. Thanks! You really made my night. Then Big GM reallllly pissed the Unhappy Waitress off. He cut everyone except 2 plus closers. And 8 tables walked in. And they all got sat immediately. So everyone had tables out of their section. YAY! (Not YAY!) So I said if people walked in like that we would have to make them wait. But Big GM, he says as long as we have clean tables we don't go on a wait. First of all, obvi don't need to unless we get a quick rush again. What is so wrong about making people wait 5 mins to get good service?? Because, we have two doubles on who are pissed that all the other doubles have left already and the other closer is not a strong server. And second of all, you're right. I have no idea what I'm talking about. I HAVEN'T spent three years in this location and I WAS NEVER a host (The best host, I might add) in this location so therefor I have no clue how these things happen. Good luck with those comps buddy.

**To make things touchier, Big GM and I get along mostly. He knows I know he's an asshole and he knows when enough is enough. But he's always messing around. Pretending to "box" with people. Always pushing the envelope. Last night = Last straw. I spazzed. He went to far and I flipped. He slapped my arm and it hurt. So he apologized immediately. Knew he was wrong. I just walked away.**

Awesome close though. Quick, easy, painless and I made money.

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